Deep breathing while watching a video linked to your pulse enables you to regain your own pace.
Pace Sync Calming Mechanism
The amount of blood flow changes with your pulse. The amount of light absorption depends on the amount of blood flow, so capturing these changes on camera enables your pulse to be estimated.
Pace Sync uses technology developed by Asahi Kasei to detect changes in the human complexion that are invisible to the naked eye, and uses this as the basis for calculating the estimated pulse value.
Gazing at the movie at a tempo linked to your pulse while breathing deeply at this time leads you to a calmer state.
*The pulse estimate function cannot be linked to iPhone/iPad cameras.
Recommended Scenarios
-Measuring your heart rate
-Relieving stress
-Before a job interview
-To determine your conditions before and after exercise
-Before a major presentation
-Before a life-changing event